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It's been an odd couple months... make that years. I started this pandemic with an attempt to take time rediscovering my creativity and getting in touch with the things that make me happy! 


This page has been dedicated to any and all projects that get my creative juices flowing! Whether it be writing, music, cooking, painting, dancing, drawing, designing, acting etc. 


2022 is a continuation of many things, completion of the half started, and beginning of so many projects that make my soul hopeful for the future. xx


Beginnings are hard. 

They’re scary. 





Beginnings define moments. 

When you can’t step back .

When your past is over.                                    

   And you're f







                                                                      through black.

There’s no answers. No manual. No guidance. No help.

Beginnings are hard.

Because you’ve never been there before.

ea             um                                                                                                                                                

You l     p. You j     p. You st    ble. You tri  . You make mistakes. You second guess. You get        . With no map.

um                 p                                                                      

                                                                                                                                   l       o        s       t      

But you do it

You do it

Get up. Choose again. Stay your course. Navigate.

Every start you’ve ever had.

Gathers tools and starts again.

Each one with different challenges. Different fears. Different gains.

Beginnings are HARD

But It’s okay


Just start

—  Monday, Poem Challenge

Writings and Randoms



Sometimes it feels like nothing exists

All I experience isn’t really there

It’s all an illusion

I never existed at all

Shadows and light

Bouncing off moments of reality 

Slipping through my fingers

It never existed

I never existed at all



We exist in relation to others

In the absence of others do we exist?





My own personal siren

Seducing with her tongue

The melody of her words cling to the inside of my lungs


Embedded in my skull

After years of separation

I still hear her call

Parting lips in hesitation


Sing to me and make me fall

My name inside your mouth is all

I’ve ever really wanted so

I’ll die from the withdrawal




Sinking into an echo chamber of my own thoughts

Repeating and beating into me the things I’m missing




Encompassed by all that matters to me



I need you

I need me

I need more

Crave more

In an echo chamber of my thoughts

I see who I can be

Feel who I should be

Am just out of touch

Of the thing I want to be

But I’m closer than I’ll ever be

Than outside

With perspective

With distance

With time

With the pulse and tremble

Of cleansing toxicity 

This room evolves deeper

I become clearer

To the basic human nature

Of me


At some point you stopped apologizing

There were no excuses

No promises to do better

Just the absence of when you used to care





The gravity escaped me

Of what I did

Of what I said

Of what you had me believe was my choosing

Disillusioned and numb to what should have, could have, been amazing moments 

Sexual awakenings

Romantic connections

Attachments that built the raw version of me





Here she stands

A girl with no hands

She touched the stars

And they turned to sand

Lightning struck

A the glass shards formed

She embraced them quickly

As her clothes were torn

She used the glass 



With no hands to fight back

Or protect her face

Here she stands

A girl with no hands

She touched the stars

And they turned to sand



© 2022

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